Sarah Michelle
Upcoming Shows:
Jan 26th - March 3rd - Gallery Different 'The KISS - Masks'
Past Shows:
November 2017 -
Art Fair, Edinburgh Corn Exchange, Gallery Different Stand C10
February / March 2017 - Gallery Different, London 'The Kiss - Intimacy | Devotion | Passion'
August / September 2016 - Gallery Different, London 'A Summer of Music and Fashion
March 2016 - Knit & Stitch Show London Olympia 'Inspiration Station'
July 2015 - Alma Tavern & Theatre 'Solo Exhibition'
April 2015 - Watch This Space Boutique, Leicester 'Shine one Exhibition'
June 2014 - Intrigue Emporium at Shoreditch Town Hall
May 2014 - Solo Exhibition Highcross Leicester
Febuary 2014: Somewhereto_ Shine On Salon Exhibition
January-Febuary 2014 - ART HACK Harris + Hoole, London
November 14 - 17th - Spitalfields Art Market, London
November 2nd - 'Ladies that love to shop British' Kibworth Grammar School
October 26th - 27th - Somewhereto_ Highcross Shopping Centre Event
September 29th - 3rd October - Somewhereto_ BOXPARK Shoreditch Event
August 25th 2013 - Somewhereto_ Leicester City Center Market Our Leicester Day Event
July 22nd - 31st 2013 - Somewhereto_ The Highstreet Heist at John Lewis, Oxford Street, London
August 2012 - Hampshire Open Studios - Solo Exhibition
July 2010 - New Designers 2010 - Exhibiting with: Winchester School of Art - Stand: T11
Business Design Centre, London Zone: Textiles, Fashion & Accessories
June 2010 - Textile Art Group Exhibition - Winchester School of Art BA Degree Show
November 2009 - January 10 - 'Open 21' - Group Exhibition - The City Gallery Leicester
November 2009 - 'Conversation with the Cathedral' - Winchester School of Art Textile Art Group Exhibition - Winchester Cathedral